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ModCon Microcontroller

(The Assembled Full ModCon shown.)

ModCon Technical Details

The ModCon offers you the lowest cost HC11 platform that can be expanded into industrial grade applications.

The ModCon's stackable bus connectors allow endless expansion. The 3" long board includes a 32K RAM/EEPROM socket, reset circuit, configuration block and servo jacks.

The popular HC11 and the ModCon give you a low cost system for creating intelligent controllers, data translators, robots - you name it, the HC11 has been put to the task. Zorin offers the lowest prices for a range of HC11 kits.

Everything to make the HC11 run is included with the kits--

The detailed manual includes step by step assembly and testing instructions, reference and application information.

Software utilities and languages are also included to program, download and debug your HC11 in C, Forth or assembly language.

Assembly may be completed in a single evening, or kits may be purchased, assembled and tested.

Program the on-chip memory from any computer or terminal using the interactive Buffalo monitor or use the PC-Bug program included with the kit.

The RS-232 interface Kit for connecting the ModCon to a standard RS-232 serial port. It is designed to plug directly into a PC or Macintosh computer that has a female DB-25 connector.

Related and optional products you may consider:

Power supply #ZK08. A 1 amp wall wart type including mating chassis connector.
MIDI Gizmo #ZK06. Turns the ModCon serial port into a MIDI interface.
PLCC Extraction tool #ZC14. If you plan on removing your HC11 chip, this is a simple tool to use. It's on our Accessories page

The ModCon is sold in a few different configurations in an effort to meet your technical and budget requirements. Our Package Deals contains everything you need to get started including our detailed assembly, testing and operation manual. You also receive the ZM1 diskette containing software, resources and information. A 5-volt power supply is required, or our ZK08 power supply can be ordered separately.

The ModCon LC (Low Cost Kit) differs from the Full Kit in that the chips making up the 32K external memory and the stacking connectors are not included. Both of these may be purchased later if you later decide to upgrade.

These products are now sold as part of consulting projects only.
For information on obtaining products you can contact us here.

Copyright 1986-2025   Zorin   Seattle, WA   (206) 282-6061