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Selected Articles

Workstations for home and business

Linux gives you tools for all the popular media and other features available on the Internet with just the basic Linux install. Also included, are a wide range of software for business and personal use. Most programs install automatically with a single command and with open source software you never have to deal with license codes or activation steps.


Web Browser

Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentation

Checkbook and accounting

Some of the most popular Linux applications used by most workstation users

As with any new system system, Linux can take some learning and adjustment to get up to speed and productive with the new environment. This is where we come in. We help you quickly get set up, so that you can do all the things you need in your daily routine. And we're here to help when you get stuck or need to learn the Linux ways of doing something new.

As much as possible, we try to help you learn with every step, so increasingly, you are able to completely build and set up future installations, saving you all the costs normally associated with setting up a new computer.

Photo editing & effects

Music Composition

Line Drawing

Architectural Drawing

Some of the most popular Linux programs used by artists and professionals

Most often, we can short questions by email at no charge. For issues that take more than a few minutes, we record bill you for time in effect at the time. For more involved questions or troubleshooting, we can arrange to log into your computer. We always make sure you understand security issues and how you can remain in complete control.

Here are some specific ways we have been helping workstation users:

  • Lead you through the install process
  • Help you get started with common tasks on the computer
  • Help you set up the programs you need
  • Help you decide which programs are best for your needs
  • Advise you on keeping your system secure
  • Help you set up a automated backups

Whether you only have occasional support needs or require ongoing commitment, we're here to help. Efficiency and saving clients money have long been our hallmarks as well as striving to get the job done right.

Write or call (206) 282-6061 to find out how we can help you meet your goals.

Copyright 1986-2025   Zorin   Seattle, WA   (206) 282-6061